Ridiculous Kephrii Widowmaker Clip

Check out this montage by Overwatch Moments - SparkTV to see some more amazing Kephrii snipes. Love him or hate him, you gotta admit that Brian Kephrii” St. Pierre is one heck of a Widowmaker main. And remember, a Widow will always get blocked by a good dive tank; Winston and (and now Hammond) all have way higher mobility, and Hammond can even approach her without getting headshot.

Kephrii, who has played for professional Overwatch teams such as VexX, Eggplant, and eLevate, is known as being one of the best snipers in the world of Overwatch. Few ever go toe-to-toe with a top-500 player in Overwatch's 'snipe game.' Even fewer challenge Widowmaker ace, Kephrii.

It makes sense that good Widowmakers will dominate pro play. Widowmaker has to make every single shot connect, and none of that spray and pray sniper to assault rifle nonsense. Lorsque cette fonctionnalité est activée, une vidé issue des suggestions est automatiquement lancée à la suite de la lecture en cours.

is updated daily with the latest trending game videos from across the globe. Overwatch Widow Montage Pro Widowmaker Kephrii's team in Contenders Pacific, GE Pantheon KR are currently flying high in their group, having won three out of their four matches and securing a spot in the playoff stage. Godspeed, excited Widowmaker trick-shotter.

Check out this montage by Overwatch Moments - SparkTV to see some more amazing Kephrii snipes. Love him or hate him, you gotta admit that Brian Kephrii” St. Pierre is one heck of a Widowmaker main. And remember, a Widow will always get blocked by a good dive tank; Winston and (and now Hammond) all have way higher mobility, and Hammond can even approach her without getting headshot.

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